
Interesting Podcasts

Interesting Podcasts

The journalists who framed Ned Kelly's legend

Trapped and surrounded by 300 Japanese soldiers

The surprising history of Australia's convicts

Joseph Banks: The man behind Botany Bay

Who was the first Greek in Australia? This new podcast claims to have the answer

Flour power: the surprising history of Australian mills and flour bags

Lesley Newson & Peter Richerson — A New Look at Human Evolution

The Highland Clearances: everything you wanted to know

The pyrocene and the history of fire on planet earth

Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled -The Roman invasion of Britain.
The Rest Is History- Disease vs. the rise of civilisation

Decoding Emotions (and cultures)

The Tower of Babel: Cuneiform

Uncontacted Peoples

In Black and White: After Reg Saunders and his comrades were left behind on Crete in WWII, he survived on the run for almost a year, living off his own wits and the extraordinary kindness of locals.